Sometimes in life the best way to move forward is knowing where you came from and what has worked in the past. That being said I have collected up semen on some of the best rams from the last 2 decades and I'm putting these old boys back to work.

KJ Lansing 4040
BYU 741 "The Great 1"
BYU 32U5
Wilt 2012 "Gun Slinger"
KJ Lancing 3082 "RayCom"
Wilt 9541
Wilt 9232
Gun Slinger sired a bunch of great sheep at Lost River livestock in the early 2000's and most recently sired PHPT "Impulse" the 2010 Jr Champ ram at the Ohio Suffolk sale &
Mil-Sid 1704 "Doc Holliday" 2017 Natioanl Champion Sale Ram 2017 Ohio sale.

George Brother 3975 "Legs"

Bunker Hill 1631
Craft 6-44
Craft 7-22
Royer 20P2
Craft 5-15
Craft 01-6
7-22 was the Reserve Champion ram in 2008 at the Midwest Stud ram sale.

BYU 741 " The Great 1"

Bierle "CV Promise"